The video on the right is footage of the artist and her physically impaired sister going for a short ride around a city park traffic island. As they relinquish their self-reliance and combine their abilities to ride the bike, they realize that they need to ask strangers for help to be able to start riding. In doing so, they expand the experiment of interdependency beyond the private space of the familial and into the public space of the city. After many instances of receiving help from strangers, they successfully ride around the small traffic island a few times. The video on the left is of two trained cyclists, accustomed to being physically able and independent, riding the same bike around another larger city park loop while listening to audio of the impaired sister discussing her adapting to the constraints of her physical being. The quadrants of this video are views from different cameras. Each is mounted to record components of the bike system as they are shared between the two riders: front wheel, brake, back wheel, pedals. The front rider brakes and steers while the back rider pedals and activates the rear wheel.